Vista Cay Resort Gym Fitness Center
Vista Cay Resort Gym and Fitness Center in Orlando is located in the main clubhouse next to the swimming pool.
Does Vista Cay Resort Have a Gym?
Yes. The gym is somewhat limited in terms of facilities and is more in line with most hotel-type gyms.
Where is the Gym in Vista Cay Resort Orlando?
To get o the gym at Vista Cay make your way to the main clubhouse. Go through the clubhouse toward the pool.
When you go out of the pool doors make a left and the gym is located just after the pool bar.
The gym at Vista Cay works on an electronic pass key so be sure to take the passkey located in your unit with you.

What Gym equipment is in the Gym at Vista Cay Orlando?
There are no free weights in the gym, but there are two treadmills and two elliptical machines. There is a TV in the gym, but be sure to bring your own headphones and phone if you want to be sure you can watch or listen to your favorite programs.
The gym at Vista Cay also has ten multi gym pieces of equipment including items for your legs, arms, and shoulders. The multi-gym equipment is limited in capacity but allows for a basic workout. The equipment is somewhat limited and basic in its functionality.
What are the gym hours at Vista Cay Resort Orlando?
The gym at Vista Cay is open the same hours as the pool as you have to go through the pool area to get to the gym. The gym hours are generally sunrise to sunset. Generally, the hours are 8.00 AM to 11.00 PM, but be sure to check at the clubhouse as hours may vary.
Best Gyms on International Drive Orlando
This video give a tour of the best gyms in Orlando near International Drive and Vista Cay on Universal Blvd.
Vista Cay Resort Running Trail around the Lake
If you are looking for a more aerobic workout while staying at Vista Cay you can try the running trail around the lake. Be sure to take your passkey as you will need this to get through the gate which gets you to the lake through the pool gate.
Better Gyms Near Vista Cay Resort Orlando on International and the area less than 10 minutes away
If you are a more serious athlete and looking for better work out we offer three alternative solutions:
International Drive YMCA. Approx. 5 min drive from Vista Cay
This has a decent free weight room, cardio machines, but uniquely has competitive swimming pools and a diving pool. This YMCA is also known as the Aquatic Center.
CF Fitness (Formerly Worlds Gym). Approx. 10 Min Drive from Vista Cay
Great and extensive weight room, an extensive range of cardio machines, free weights, and lots of group fitness classes such as Zumba.
Iron Religion Gym.Approx 10 min drive from Vista Cay
Open 24 hours, extensive weights, extensive cardio, strongman equipment, and largest gym of its kind in the area. Popular with professional and college athletes, powerlifters, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts alike.
In summary, the gym at Vista Cay is perhaps the weak spot of the community but is sufficient for a basic workout. The great thing is there are three gyms less than 10 minutes away which between them cater to every fitness enthusiasts need and want.